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Журнал «Здоровье ребенка» 8 (51) 2013

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Conformities to origin and prevalence of psychical disorders among child’s population in conditions of modern the Donbas

Авторы: Аgarkov V. I., Yevtyshenko Y. I., Mustafina A.A., Kudimov P.V. - Donetsk National Medical University named after М. Gorky

Рубрики: Педиатрия/Неонатология

Разделы: Клинические исследования

Версия для печати

Summary. In the conditions of modern civilization there are the diseases related to disorder of psyche and behavior of man go out on front-rank positions in the total structure of diseases. These diseases especially actively prevalence in industrial regions with the high level of industrialization and urbanization. Such typical region in the Ukraine is the Donbas that is densely saturated by industrial objects, deeply urbanization with intensive intraregional labour migration of population, that substantially activates the way of life of man and improve intrapopulation psychological tension. The young generation is actively pulled in this intensive process of vital functions of regional society, that unfavorably affects on his psychical health [1–3].

Therefore, an aim hired consisted of establishment of conformities to law of frequency of origin and prevalence among child’s population (0–17) of the diseases related to disorder of psyche and behavior.

Materials and methods. A research object were children in age from new-born 17 to inclusive (0–17) with different disorders of psychical health. Morbidity was studied on turned in the Donetsk regional clinical mental hospital, to the archived materials of regional statistical management and research and information center of medical statistics, and also on results sociological researches. Researches are overcome the indexes of psychical morbidity of child’s population for the last 10 year (2001-2011). Statistical development was entered by data of psychical morbidity of child’s population 28 cities and 17 rural districts of the Donetsk region. All results are exposed to the statistical analysis by means of the computer program Statistica.

Results of researches and their discussion. As follows from data of table 1, frequency of origin of primary cases of psychonosemas among the contingent of child’s population in the conditions of the Donbas is within the limits of 41.8 ± 0.1 cases on 10 000 persons. This index is some higher from the total average regional quantity (+2.2 % cases) of psychical morbidity, characteristic for all population of the Donetsk region and considerably anymore from an average regional index of the psychonosemas registered among teenagers (28.0 ± 0.3 cases). At the same time, index of psychonosemas among teenagers considerably below from a total average regional index (by 1.46 times). Thus, the index of psychonosemas among urban teenagers is considerably higher, than among rural (on 21.49 %) and on 16.9 % exceeds an average regional index for the teenagers of all the Donetsk region. Consequently, frequency of primary morbidity in the conditions of the Donbas great enough psychical diseases of child’s population and exceeds an average regional index for all population.

The total index of prevalence among child’s population of psychonosemas makes 330.2 ± 8.0 cases on 10 000 persons. This index is considerably (on 51.9 %) below from the total average regional index of psychical morbidity(501.9 ± 11.8 cases), frequency of prevalence among child’s population of psychical morbidity is less intensive, what frequency of origin of primary cases of diseases. Similar dissonance of frequencies with prevail of intensity of frequency of origin of diseases, it appears as the favourable phenomenon, because testifies to mionectic activity of process of accumulation of diseases in child’s environment, chronic morbidity grows less actively, than acute. This phenomenon can be formed due to that in deneral totality of primary cases of psychonosemas mainly easy nosology forms (functional disorders) predominate among child’s population, amenable to effective reduction in an acute period of disease, that considerably slows the process of accumulation of psychical pathology in child’s environment, i.e. the pathological affected of child’s population by psychical diseases is sharply retardationed.

The average regional index of prevalence of psychonosemas among teenagers exceeds on 10.4 % cases the total average regional quantity of prevalence, characteristic for all child’s population and 364.6 ± 8.6 cases equal on 10 000 persons, but this index below than total average regional index on 27.4 %. Here, the index of psychonosemas among urban teenagers (388.0 ± 8.0 cases) is considerably higher (on 46.7 %), than among rural, where he makes 262.4 ± 8.7 cases on 10 000 persons. Consequently, the pathological affected of teenagers by psychical diseases is higher, than all child’s population. Thus, rural teenagers suffer psychonosemas less than, than urban.

There is proof territorially-residental dependence of frequency of origin and prevalence of psychonosemas of both urban and rural child’s population. So, the urban and rural inhabited places have the rating positions of psychical morbidity of child’s population, that is determined by the average annual quantity of frequency of origin and prevalence of psychonosemas among child’s population. The highest rating indexes of frequency of origin of primary cases of psychical morbidity are characteristic for child’s population of the following 3 urban inhabited places and rural districts : Gorlovka (1st position, 66.2 ± 1.8 cases on 10 000 persons), Mariupol(2th position is 57,7 ±1,1 cases), Donetsk, 3th position, 44,7 ±1,4 cases), and also next rural districts — Dobropilskiy(1th position, 51,8 ±3,5 cases), Starobeshevskiy(2th position, 28,8 ±3,0 cases) and Мarinskiy(3th position, 28,7 ±3,2 cases).

Similar dependence takes place and on the quantity of indexes of frequency of prevalence of psychonosemas among child’s population.Territorially-residental dependence of level of psychical morbidity of child’s population testifies to large meaningfulness in forming of this pathology of ethno-historical of the formed factors, especially such, as character and terms of life of population and ecological features of natural habitat of people of this settlement [4; 5].

Row 1 — all teenagers;                                                                    

Row 2 — average regional index for all population;

Row 3 — all child’s population.

Fig. 1. Comparative dynamics of frequency of origin of primary cases of morbidity of child’s (0–17) population by the diseases related to disorder of psyche and behavior.

As follows from a figure 1, the dynamics of frequency of origin of primary cases of psychonosemas among child’s population is characterized by ill-defined undulatory properties with the maximal depth of slump on 4,5 % cases and rising on 6,1 % cases in a year, that actually predetermines the stable enough level of primary psychical morbidity among child’s population during the last (2000-2010) decade within the limits of 41,6-44,3 cases on 10 000 persons.

However, here, frequency of primary morbidity of child’s population psychonosemas as compared to 2008 decreased on 6,1 % cases, and to 2008 in relation to 2006 rose on 9,4 % cases, that is the vibrations of primary morbidity, that practically does not change the total level of primary psychical morbidity of child’s population during ten year span of time, take place. Otherwise speaking, primary psychical morbidity of child’s population of the Donetsk region the long period persistently refrain at high (higher than average regional index) enough level (curves 3 and 2, figure 1). Thus, the total level of primary psychical morbidity of all child’s population during the last ten year period (2000-2010) is considerably higher, than among juvenile part of child’s population(fig. 1, curve 1), that testifies to greater by shares affected the psychonosemas of lower (14) age-related groups of child’s population, that is predominantly junior and middle school age. Decreasing of the age-related threshold of active pathological affect of child’s population psychical diseases, there is both the very unfavorable phenomenon of development of both total and psychical health of the young generation. Thus, as be obvious from a figure 1(curve 1) among teenagers(15-17) the substantial slump(on 28,7 % cases) of frequency of origin of primary cases of disorders of psyche is marked in the last 2-3, in relation to the middle of the last decade (2005).


  1. Level of total primary morbidity of child’s population (0–17) by the diseases related to disorder of psyche and behavior is within the limits of 41,8±0,1 cases on 10 000 persons.
  2. The index of total primary psychical morbidity of child’s population exceeds the average regional indexes for all population and for teenagers. The index of total primary psychical morbidity among teenagers makes 28±0,3 cases on 10 000 persons. This index in 1,6 time less than than the average regional index for all population. The index of primary psychical morbidity of urban teenagers is higher, than rural.
  3. The total index of prevalence of psychonosemas among child’s population makes 330,2±8,0 cases on 10 000 persons, and among teenagers 364,6±8,5 cases on 10 000. The index of prevalence of psychonosemas among urban teenagers is higher, than among rural and makes 264,6±8,7 cases on 10 000 persons. Total index of prevalence of psychonosemas among child’s population below average regional for all population.
  4. There is proof territorially-residental dependence of indexes of origin and prevalence of psychonosemas of child’s population. There are the urban and rural inhabited objects with constantly increase and low psychical morbidity of child’s population.
  5. The dynamics of primary psychical morbidity of child’s population is characterized by the poorly expressed wave properties with the maximal depth of slump on 4,5 % cases and rising on 6,1 % cases in a year, and the level of morbidity is persistently supported within the limits of 41,6-44,3 cases on 10 000 persons.

Список литературы

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